Olympus Trip 35 Shutter Blades

Shutter Blades

The Olympus Trip 35 has a pair of falcate leaf shaped blades, which perform the shutter operation. The reason for using the crescent shape is twofold. The obvious one is that it allows them to pivot at one end thus simplifying the mechanism. However, the more important reason is that the opening increases gradually starting with the exposure of the far-depth first, and then near-depth.

Due to the non-linear nature, when the shutter opening is at its smallest, it remains open longer, compared to when it is at its largest. This technique has a way of keeping the exposure sharp and even.

Japanese shutter mechanisms generally tend to be highly complex, when comparing to other cameras of that era that simply used clunky single spring mechanisms.

Shutter Assembly

Shutter Assembly

The shutter blades are within a very narrow enclosure covered over by a metal plate. Three screws secure this plate, and they will require removal.



The shutter mechanism consists of two leaves, each with individual pivots. They move in synchronous by a common triggering pin, which makes a very small vertical movement.

Due to the pivot, a small movement of the pin translates to a much larger movement of the leaf blades. This type of shutter mechanism is extremely reliable and provides the same shutter speed in a wide range of conditions.

Blade Pivots

Blade Pivots

The leaves are very thin and there is no gap between them as they slide over each other due to their ultra smooth surfaces. Any form of moisture will make them stick.

Leaf Blades

Leaf Blades

The precision-engineered shutter blades had PTFE type surface coating to ensure they would slide past each other with negligible friction. However, if water managed to get into it, then these very thin blades would remain stuck. The only way to repair stuck shutter blades is to open the camera and remove them for cleaning.

The secret of the Olympus Trip 35 is in the shape and engineering design that went into the shutter mechanism.